Thursday, July 24, 2008

I love Skype, I miss everyone

Yesterday, Elena talked to Angel. He recognized her voice right away! Surprise, surprise. She's everyone's favorite. (Is that bitterness you sense? No...)

I also got in touch with Rosalina! Rija' xk'oje rik'in Odilia iwir aq'a, xub'ij chwe chi rija' xq'ax rik'in Dr. Tun y wakami maq'a npe Dr. Pablo richin nutz'et ruwach, to xkikot nuk'u'x.

Odilia is the woman with RA and severe, recurrent asthma (plus what I think may be ILD related to the RA). It is possible that Odilia's management will continue to be sub-optimal for now, but with Paul on board, I hope that at some point we will be able to get her on DMARDs. In any case, Rosa and Odilia seemed happy about the care she is receiving at the clinic. For once, she has had a chest film and some blood work done. (It sounds like they are awaiting a uric acid--doh! Hopefully there was a RF drawn. Can you imagine: a 21-year-old woman who lays in bed all day crying from joint pain and swelling, and she's never had a work-up? Damn it, as my mother says, "That really pisses me!") Pablo Benedicto has been working his magic, and Odilia has not had to "collaborate" (what the !*%# does that mean, anyway?) for any of her tests or medicines!

1 comment:

Anita said...

Sarah and I want to be your friends. Your blogs are awesome.